Metric Conversion Chart Printable

I’m back today with another handy kitchen printable. One can never have too many, in my opinion! This Metric Conversion Chart printable will help you when you are preparing your meals and need to convert a measurement to either Imperial or Metric depending on where you live. I’m in Canada and tend to use both at home. Canada uses the metric system along with the majority of other countries in the world. I learned that there are only three countries that use the Imperial system: United States, Liberia and Myanmar. Who knew?

I don’t have many readers in Liberia or Myanmar, but I have many American readers. Also, there are so many wonderful American food blogs that list their recipes using Imperial measurements.

Metric Conversion Chart Printable - Save time in the kitchen with this handy metric conversion chart printable! Easily look up common measurements for cooking and baking.

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    Print out this conversion chart and keep it in your kitchen or household binder for reference. Another tip is to use Google. Type in the exact conversion you are looking for and it will pop up.

    Fill out the form below to get this Metric Conversion Chart delivered to your inbox.

    What system do you use where you live: Metric, Imperial or a bit of both?

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    1. Tracy K Russell says:

      Thank you. I’ve been watching recipes on You Tube to learn Keto. My husband is diabetic and many recopies are useful to me to make him. I am in the US.This chart will help me much– Thank You!

    2. I will keep this near by

    3. Elizabeth Matthiesen says:

      Thanks Stacie, this will come in very handy since a lot of my recipes are European where measurements aren’t in tsps nor cups but weight. 🙂

    4. Anne Taylor says:

      This is fantastic!  We were just talking about this yesterday.  I was raised on Imperial and then mid school life everything changed to metric.

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