Kitchen Inventory Printables

I received an email from a reader a few weeks back thanking me for sharing my printables. It made my day. I love when something I share can help make someone’s life a little easier or provide them with inspiration. I’m coming at you today with three more free printables; this time, they are to help organize the food in your home, specifically in your pantry, fridge and freezer. I hope these help you with your meal planning and grocery shopping lists. I use the pantry and fridge inventory printables myself. I don’t have a deep freezer yet, but it’s on my list of “wants”.

Kitchen Inventory Printables - These free printables will help with meal planning and grocery shopping. It includes a pantry, fridge and freezer inventory.


Kitchen Inventory Printables

I stock up on food when I see items we use regularly on sale. No, I don’t have 50 bottles of mustard, but if it’s a product we use often and I know won’t go to waste, I will buy three or four of them. This pantry inventory printable will help you keep track of what you already have and need to use up so you won’t waste money buying extras. I find it especially helpful for my baking supplies.

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    Kitchen Inventory Printables - These free printables will help with meal planning and grocery shopping. It includes a pantry, fridge and freezer inventory.

    It’s a little harder to stockpile fridge items since the shelf life is shorter than pantry staples. This fridge inventory printable helps me keep track of condiments (I have a ton!). It also helps me to make sure I don’t “forget” about an item in the fridge and use it before the best before date.

    Kitchen Inventory Printables - These free printables will help with meal planning and grocery shopping. It includes a pantry, fridge and freezer inventory.

    Lastly, I have a freezer inventory printable. Again, it’s easy to lose track of what you already have in your freezer especially if you have a chest deep freezer and all the items at the bottom aren’t consumed before freezer burn sets in.

    Kitchen Inventory Printables - These free printables will help with meal planning and grocery shopping. It includes a pantry, fridge and freezer inventory.

    Staying organized means less stress for me so it’s something I work on daily. I’m not perfect by any means, but I’m doing much better than I was five years ago. Printables play a big role in my improvement.

    Get the Free Printables

    Fill out the form below to get the free Kitchen Inventory Printables delivered right to your inbox! 

    Do you currently keep track of the items in your pantry, fridge and freezer?

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    1. I keep clicking on the free printable for grocery shopping list and it keeps taking me to the same site and I am never able to print anything. A little frustrating since I have tried it about 3 times now and same thing keeps happening.

      1. The printables are sent via email. My email program is showing that it was emailed to you yesterday. Did you receive it? Let me know!

    2. This is SO helpful! We are soon to be a single income family and I’m trying to cut down on our spending. This is going to help me keep track of what we have around. Thanks!!

    3. I go through my fridge every few months but not my freezer so this idea would be great.

    4. I need to do something like this for our spices so my husband stops buying them at the store “just in case” we’re out!

      1. I’ll second this! We shop for spices separately from the rest of our “pantry-shopping” — we go to a specialized spice store; I won’t mention the name — and we have them stored in their own cabinet. I need a printable for spice inventory, so that when we go to the spice store, we (a) keep on track and prioritize the spices we actually NEED; and (b) don’t miss the ones that we’re actually almost out of. (The store is in another city about 40 minutes away, so we only go a few times a year.)

      2. YES! My husband does the same thing! I had to put a stop to it. I cleaned it all out myself and banned him from the spice cabinet and spice aisle and the grocery store. 😉 So glad I am not the only wife.

      3. I just print an extra Pantry list and write the words “SPICES ONLY” above the title on the page.

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