2020 Household Planner Free Printable

This 2020 Household Planner is going to get you on track for an organized new year. From keeping track of all your passwords, medications, de-cluttering and organizing your home and much more. 

2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

2020 Household Planner

If you have a new year resolution to get organized and be a boss for the year, this set of printables is going to help you achieve your goals! Let me share all the fun printables you get with this household planner. 

Password Tracker 

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    It is miserable when you try three times to remember your password only to get locked out. Use this printable to keep track of all your important passwords. 

    Whether for your online banking, Amazon, or email address and more. This is a great printable for someone who struggles to remember passwords. Keep it in a safe place and no one has to know your passwords but you. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    Monthly Chores 

    Whether you have kids that help with chores or it is all on you, this monthly chores printable is great. Mark off the day as you tackle what is on the list to get done. 

    If you have kids you can print out a page for each child to mark down what is dedicated for them to do. This is a great way for them to visually see the list and mark it off as they complete it. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    De-Clutter List 

    Work room by room and tackle the entire home by the end of the year. Write out for each area of the home what you want to accomplish and check it off as you make your way through. This is a great way to stay on track, especially if you bounce around. I tend to lose focus and then stop decluttering only to forget where I left off. 

    If you run into that same problem you will find that this is a great way to always pick right up where you left off. Then by the end of the year or even sooner, your home will be ready to go. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    Cleaning Planner 

    Do you ever set big goals for yourself when it comes to cleaning? Like dust all the ceiling fans and walls, clean inside and out of windows along with window sills? Well if you are like me, you can easily get overwhelmed by the list. So what I found helpful is this cleaning planner allows you to break it down. Maybe you deep clean your bed every 3 months, and do outside of windows twice a year, etc. Write it all down to fit your needs and see if it helps you stay on track. 

    Hang up this printable in your laundry room behind a cabinet door. So it is out of sight to others but when you reach for laundry soap you see the list, so it always stays in your mind of the things you planned to do for the year. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    Room By Room Cleaning 

    This is a great one to have to keep you prepared for all the areas you want to cover. You might also find this printable handy if you have someone helping you clean. Whether it be your husband or child they can see what you want to be done each time the room is cleaned. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    Family Medical Tracker 

    A great printable to have on hand in case you need to phone the doctor. Or if you plan to go on vacation and someone is watching your kids, they have access to the right information in case of an emergency. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    9-1-1 Contact Printable 

    Here is another great one to have and hang on your fridge or a central area of your home. This will help your family to know if there is an emergency the right steps to take and who to call. Great for babysitters and even family members who come over and watch your kids. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    Important Contacts and Company Information 

    Write out people you want to remember their numbers, email, and such. Whether you use this for work, babysitters, or just for your own personal reference. It is a great printable to have. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    Medication Tracker 

    Whether someone is on an antibiotic and you need help remembering if you gave them the dose the last time, or you are terrible at remembering to take your daily meds. This printable will swoop in and save the day. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    Babysitter Printable 

    This is a great guide for a babysitter that is coming in that you want to have things lined out. From your routine, mealtime if you have food in the fridge for them to reheat, etc. Plus you can jot down all the important numbers for calling and such. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    School Information 

    Write down all the important information for your child or kids. Write down bus information, teacher, time school starts and more. You never know if you will run into an emergency where you need your child to go and such. Or it is great for the new year of school. 

    2020 Household Planner - Get organized in 2020 with free printables! This household planner has everything you need to get started.

    You might also like this 2020 Meal Planner, 2020 Financial Planner.

    Make sure to check out Get Organized in 2020 with Free Printables with LOTS more printables! 

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    1. Is the home planner free printable no longer available? I see where it says you have an updated one for sale on your site and I found a deep cleaning free printable but I can’t find the home planner printable?

    2. C. WILSON says:

      I LOVE these printables and surely hope you offer more for 2021!

      1. Yes, I will be! Getting everything ready over the next few weeks.

    3. Hi, How do I get the cleaning planner please ? 

    4. Your site has been so helpful. Thank you!

    5. These 2020 printables are awesome!! Just what I was looking for to plan meals and finances and keep my home organized. Thank you!

    6. These free printables will be great for getting my household organized. I especially like the password list and the decluttering list! Thanks.

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