31 Days of Decluttering
2016 is almost here! I like to use this time of year to re-evaluate goals personally and professionally. I’ve got a few in mind that I’ll be working on this year. One consistent goal I have every year is getting our home organized. For me, that starts with decluttering. If I don’t use it, need it or love it, I lose it. It all goes in my donation box that I keep year round in the garage. I’ll make a run every few months to Value Village with household items. I could save them for a garage sale, but I don’t want to hang on to clutter that long!
I’ve developed a cleaning and organizing challenge called the 31 days of decluttering. Every day has a different task to get your home clean and clutter-free. I’m starting January 1st. Join me!
Here’s a look at each day’s jobs:
- Christmas stuff
- Fridge
- Pantry
- Cookbooks/kitchen appliances
- Jewelry
- Movies and CDs
- Desk/office space
- Linen closet
- Kids closets
- Kids closets day 2/Pets
- Front bathroom
- Second bathroom
- Medicine cabinet
- Tupperware/kitchen storage
- Paperwork
- Toys
- Stuffed animals
- Books and Games
- Your Clothes
- Your Clothes day 2
- Scarves, hats, purses, belts, gloves, shoes
- Outside winter clothing
- Make-up/personal hygiene
- Apps on phone and DVR
- Storage on computer
- Photographs
- Attic
- Garage
- Garage day 2
- Car
- House knick knacks
The beauty of this challenge is that it can be started any time of year. It doesn’t have to be on January 1st. Begin whenever you want and cross off the calendar as you complete the tasks.
The challenge calendar is a printable pdf so you can download it and print it off at home. Share this post with your friends and family so they can participate too!
Feel free to leave comments on this post with your comments and progress. I’d love to hear how it’s going for you on your path to organization!
Is decluttering on your to-do list?
Fill out the form below to get your free 31 days of decluttering printable.
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